One service in the Parish this Sunday 23 February at 8.30am at St James Toowoomba. Parish AGM follows.

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Saturday Music Live with the Royal School of Church Music Australia, Qld Branch

  • St James Anglican Church 145 Mort St Toowoomba, QLD, 4350 Australia (map)

Calling all singers, keyboard players, and lovers of sacred music.

RSCM Presents a FREE afternoon of workshops for singers and keyboard players, followed by a chance to combine to form a festival choir for Choral Service at St James Anglican, Toowoomba.


1.30pm - Vocal and Keyboard Workshops

3.30pm - Afternoon tea (donations appreciated)

4:00pm - Combined choir rehearsal

6.00pm - Choral Service



Adele Nisbet - Former Head of Vocal Studies - QLD Conservatorium; Conductor - Pilgrim Singers; Former Conductor - St Andrew’s Uniting Church Sanctuary Choir

Steven Nisbet OAM - Organist - Pilgrim People, Brisbane; Former Organist and Director of Music - St Andrew’s Uniting Church; Past-President - Organ Society of Queensland

Register your interest in the workshops and/or the festival choir via this link. For further information, email
