Baptisms, First Communion and Confirmation
When we come for Baptism we are saying “yes” to God’s love and desire for us to belong to the community of God’s people. Children are brought for Baptism in response to God’s loving invitation.
Baptisms are easy to arrange but should be booked with several weeks’ notice.
During Sunday services:
10 am at St James’ Toowoomba (2nd & 4th of the month).
8.30 am at St Anne’s Highfields (1st & 3rd Sunday of the month).
Private service
12 noon on Sundays at St James Toowoomba (2nd & 4th of the month).
by arrangement at St Anne’s Highfields (1st & 3rd Sunday of the month).
To book a Baptism and arrange for preparation, please fill out this Baptism Form:
If you haven’t heard from us within two weeks of submitting this form, please contact our office (46391858) or our clergy. We have experienced some issues recently.
What happens next:
You will be contacted by a minister for an initial discussion, to book the baptism date and time, and to book a preparation meeting at the church with a member of Baptism ministry team.
Candidates for baptism aged 15 or above are usually confirmed at the same time, so adult baptisms are often organised around a Confirmation Service.
The Baptistery features a magnificent alabaster and malachite baptismal font dating from around 1890.
A service of Thanksgiving for a Child is also available to celebrate the birth of a child (without a baptism).
Admission to Holy Communion
(First Communion)
Baptised Christians aged 8 or above
may be admitted to the sacrament of Holy Communion.
This is recognised through a special service for admission to Holy Communion, taking place within our regular Sunday worshipping communities at either 7.30 or 10am.
Contact our clergy to arrange preparation.
A service in which baptised Christians aged 15 or above confirm the promises that were made for them at baptism.
It is also a way that Christians who come from another tradition might become members of the Anglican Church.
Confirmations may only be conducted by a bishop on his annual parish visit.
If you wish to be confirmed, contact Fr Mark or Rev. Melissa to arrange preparation for confirmation.