One service in the Parish this Sunday 23 February at 8.30am at St James Toowoomba. Parish AGM follows.

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Towards Easter: A Concert of Eastertide Music

  • St James Anglican Church 145 Mort St Toowoomba, QLD, 4350 Australia (map)

Ars Cantorum Presents…

Towards Easter: A Concert of Eastertide Music

Featuring Worthy is the Lamb, by Lloyd Larsen

with supporting music by Victor Johnson, Kenneth Leighton, Tchaikovsky, David Rasbach, Claudio Casciolini and more.

Conductor: Pam Duane

Accompanist: Andrew Doecke

Tickets $25 (school aged children no charge)

Tickets available from Choir members and St James’ Parish Office (ph 46391858), or at the door prior to the concert.

Light refreshments will be served in the Parish Centre after the concert - Come and Join Us!

Earlier Event: 20 March
Movies That Matter: Shayda
Later Event: 13 April
Palm Sunday with Palm Procession